Welcome to this blog. My 7 1/2 year old son was diagnosed with Ambloypia or Lazy Eye. I created this blog as a way to document the challenges we face and his progress. I will be thinking positive that he will fall into the percentile that can overcome this disorder.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Glasses Came In

My son's glasses finally came in yesterday.  When we went to go pick them up the second he put them on my son exclaimed "It's so clear mom, it's no longer blurry".  He was so happy.  The tech had trouble trying to make sure the fit was right because he was looking all over the place.  It was like he was taking everything in for the first time.  Well I guess that he was, the first time that his vision wasn't dim and blurry.

He has made progress with the patching.  This past week he has been telling me that everything is blurry (I guess the brain is now recognizing his left eye.  I am so happy that I really can't explain.  I'm so thankful for the progress that we are seeing at home and how quick his vision is improving.  I just hope that when we go back for his follow up in August that the doctor's confirm the progress we are seeing at home.